Better Buses for Worcester

Buses play an important part in a modern metropolitan city like Worcester, and we need to secure better services to help people get about our great city. Whether you want to get to school, college, university, or work; or if you need to get to appointments or to do some shopping, the bus needs to be a viable and practical choice that's open to you. That means reliable services, good timetable information, clean buses, cheap fares, and quick journeys. 

I have been fighting to improve Worcester's bus services, especially since the post-pandemic lull that has seen a jaw-dropping 30-50% reduction in passenger demand across the UK. We need to give people confidence to travel by bus. In my role on the County Council I have secured investment into Worcester's services, but I want to know how you think we can improve local services and what you think we should be focusing on. Please take a moment to complete my survey and let me know your thoughts.


Bus Survey

  • Current Bus Services
  • National Issues
  • Get involved
  • Your details
What reasons do you (or would you) use the bus for?
Would you use the bus more often if the services ran later into the evenings?
Would you like to travel by bus on a Sunday?